By Ismaila B. Ganiyu - December 22, 2022
For millennia, farmers have been the unsung heroes of society, feeding the masses and driving the economy. But in today's changing world, where the average farmer is now 60 years old, the industry is facing a shortage of young blood. That's why it's more important than ever for these traditional stalwarts to embrace innovation, and to become problem solvers and forward thinkers.One way to do that is to adopt digital ...
How Farmers can SELL Farm Produce on Social Media
By Ismaila B. Ganiyu
How Farmers can SELL Farm Produce on Social Media
  FOUR STEPS TO MARKET FARM PRODUCE USING SOCIAL MEDIA   The purpose of starting any business venture is to make a profit. The intention may be either to generate passive income or as a source of livelihood. Farming is not an exception to the above. In respect of the scale at which the farm business is being operated, the purpose of going into farming can be:To provide fresh and nutritious food for ...