Why Farmers should Leverage Technology in Agriculture

By Ismaila B. Ganiyu - December 22, 2022
For millennia, farmers have been the unsung heroes of society, feeding the masses and driving the economy. But in today's changing world, where the average farmer is now 60 years old, the industry is facing a shortage of young blood. That's why it's more important than ever for these traditional stalwarts to embrace innovation, and to become problem solvers and forward thinkers.

One way to do that is to adopt digital media technologies. In today's world, social media and online tools are revolutionizing the way farmers can do business. They can now connect with buyers and sellers all over the world, getting real-time market prices and making sales that would have been impossible a generation ago.

But the digital age is about more than just business. It's also about the environment. Farmers can use technology to help them become more sustainable, by tracking their water usage and soil quality, and making adjustments in real time. They can also use digital tools to help them educate consumers about where their food comes from, and the importance of eating local.

Ultimately, the key to success in agriculture today is to be a continuous improver. No matter how good you are today, you have to be willing to adapt and change with the times. That's the only way to stay ahead of the curve and ensure the future of the industry.