
Agric Farm Practices

blog post
Introduction to Snail Rearing

Snail rearing is the easiest to practise both in terms of management and capital requirement. Depending on which scale you want to start. for small scale for family consumption, edibble snails can be found on garbage sites, in the swamp, and in the forest. You can start your snail rearing business from the snail you pick from the above mentioned area.

The purpose of this write up is provide necessary knowledge support to would-be snail farmers who would like to venture into snail rearing in small , medium or large scales for comercial purposes either for local sales or for export.

There are three different species of snail for rearing in Nigeria. They are : The Giant African snail (AA-Achatina achatina), The Swamp snail(AM-Archachatina Marginata), and The Garden snail(AF-Achatina Fulica)...

24 Items
40 mins
blog post
Oilpalm Plantation Cultivation

Starting an oil palm plantation is similar to starting a building project intended for rental purposes. It will take quite long time before you can recoup your initial investment. In both case permanent land is needed. however, in the case of oil-palm plantation make sure the land is suitable for the project.

The best soil suitable for cultivation of Oilpalm should be medium textured, well drained, deep, non-gravelly and non-laterite.

Next is the choice of variety. Tenera hybrid and supergene hybrid is highly recommemded. Why? Because the waiting period before harvest is greatly reduce when hybrid oilpalm seedling is planted. Oil production is also more...

66 Items
120 mins
blog post
Introduction to Poultry Farm Management

Poultry production is the process of managing a poultry farm efficiently with the intention of converting feed given to reared bird either to flesh (broilers) or for egg production in (layers).

It sound pretty simple ? converting feed to flesh or for egg production. Please let me appeal to you here to do a thorough research before venturing into poultry farming. You need to invest in quality training. Startup is not problem, it is sustainability! For how long can your manage the project before throwing the towel?

Therefore, it is very important apart from the initial feasibilities study.Poultry farm management requires that you invest your time, energy, and most importantly your money in order to be rewarded for your investment.

Home Cook
42 Items
50 mins
blog post
Maize Farm Cultivation

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s...

Home Cook
42 Items
50 mins
blog post
Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) into Agriculture

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s...

Home Cook
42 Items
50 mins

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