Guide to Profitable Fish Farming

Fish farming involves commercial breeding of fish usually for food, in fish tanks, or artificial enclosures such as fish ponds (Wikipedia). it is a branch called aquaculture, which is the controlled cultivation and harvesting of aquatic animals such as fish, carp, etc in its natural or artificial environment. Generally, the most cultivated fish species produced in fish farming are Catfish, Carp, Salmon, and Tilapia.

What is a Fish pond and Why do we need it?

   A fish pond serves as an enclosure built to retain water for the purpose of growing fish. The enclosure may be earthen ponds, concrete tanks, cages, tarpaulin, floating tank, or runway.

The fish pond serves the following purpose:
    •Prevent fish from escape
    •For controlled harvesting at maturation.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


  Oil-palm cultivation is one of the areas of horticulture that can be ventured into if you have the resources and technical know-how. though, it is capital intensive especially at the start-up. however, the returns on investment will reward the farmer when it starts fruiting. 

1.  Dura
2.  Tenera
3.  Pisifera


Soil:  Loamy soils rich in humus, moist with good water permeability. Soil 
pH 4-6.

Planting- size: Planting can be done in a triangular system with  9m by 9m by 9m, accommodating approximately 140 oil palm per hectare. the pit should be 60cm3.

Planting time: May to June is the suitable planting season for oil palm.

  It is highly recommended to do thorough planning and research on the suitability of the land intended for its cultivation. Is it not suicidal to jump out of a plane without a parachute and wish for a miracle halfway to crash landing? Such investment is doomed to fail if what needs to be done is left undone and wish for a miracle to happen. to see checklist for starting oil palm plantation. continue on our blog

Supergene Tenera called hybrid is highly recommended, because it starts fruits within  2-3 years while tenera starts fruits within 4-5years. Its advantages over other varieties are greater oil yield and reduction in waiting period into harvest.

The following should be noted about oil palm cultivation for optimum production
1    Optimum oil palm yields are obtained in places where a maximum average temperature ranges from 29-33 degrees to 22-24 degrees
2    Oilpalm requires an evenly distributed annual rainfall of 150mm per month, 2500-4000mm per year

3.    Sunlight requirement ranges between 1800-2000hours annually. Good sunlight contributes to good yields. Continue reading on our blog


How To Leverage the Power Of Social Media to Market Farm Produce

The key objective of digital marketing in agriculture is to promote our agricultural or farm produce, builds brands and preferences over competitors, and most importantly to increase sales through various digital marketing platform.

Before delving into the world of digital marketing in agriculture. Let start by asking what is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands through one or more forms of electronic media - Television, Radio, or digital channel via the internet on social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or electronics billboards.

Digital marketing is an advertisement or promotional effort made through social media, the internet, banners or billboards, etc employed as part of the business marketing strategy for the purpose of advertising our farm product to the member of the public.

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